The Harmony Cup is fast approaching and we have our communities locked in!
Team nominations need to be in soon, if you are keen on representing your culture/heritage please see below the key contacts for each community.
Thank you so much to all of the incredible volunteers who have put their hand up to coordinate our communities, this tournament would not happen without you.

Delegates- Matt Lane (australiateam23@gmail.com)

Delegates- Ashlee Hika (ashlee.h89@hotmail.com) & Kristy Peel (kristypeel2@gmail.com)
Senior Womens - Chendoah Smith- Chendoahskye@gmail.com & roslynwilliams344@gmail.com
Under 18s Girls- Jason Niwha & Joanie Niwha jniwha@icloud.com
U16s Girls- Kristy Peel & Damien Riki (damando1@yahoo.com.au)
Senior Mens- Keni Blair (keniblair_hollah@hotmail.com) & Ashlee Hika
U16s Boys - Mike Walker Mikeyd.time@gmail.com
U18s Boys- Steve Taunoa & Belinda Taunoa (swtaunoa@outlook.com)

Delegates- Taufa Taufa (taufataufa24@gmail.com) and George Lolohea (georgelolohea09@gmail.com)
Senior Men- George Alo Wolfgramm (0466597957)
Senior Women- Lavinia Matangi (lavi.tee13@outlook.com)
Under 16s Boys- Josh Tokava (0406797046) & Seini Manavahe (0435728111)
Under 16s Girls- Susana Vakameilalo (0450173102)
Under 18s Boys- George Lolohea (0497172416)
Under 18s Girls- Iki Tukino (0432749391)
Great Britain

Senior Mens- Jon Walton (jonwalton1@hotmail.com)

Delegate- Valerie Lasei (toasamoamelbournevic@yahoo.com)
Senior Mens- Sonny Leiataua (0449891906)
Senior Womens- Lara Merritt (0432548821)
Under 18s Boys- Valerie Lasei (0478688461)
Under 18s Girls- Shobha (0419318472)
Under 16s Boys- Rudy (0419240995)
- Selz (0433871891)
Under 16s Girls- Connie (0478057828
Facebook Page- Samoa Rugby League Melbourne
Papua New Guinea

Senior Mens- Ishmael Layuni (dafishkiller200409@gmail.com)
Facebook Page: Victorian PNG Rugby League Community

Senior Mens- Wate Vunisa (watevunisa@yahoo.com)
Facebook Page- Fijian Melbourne Rugby League

Delegate- Milly Lefau (milly.lefau@smls.com.au)
Cook Islands

Delegate- Damien Tangata (damoglass1@gmail.com)
U16s Boys- John Puna & Jason Nicholas (0402165738)
U16s Girls- TJ Nanai & Martha Nanai (0435828452)
U18s Boys- Tuaiti Teao & Elizabeth Kot (0452558417)
U18s Girls- Tekeu Tearetoa & Mary Bill Paiti (0434700931)
Senior Mens- Damien Tangata & Tere Rask (0429550492)
Senior Womens- Henry Strickland & Paula Marama (0438432545)
Indigenous Australia

Delegates- Elishia Hellier (Cehellier@optusnet.com.au) & Katie Akesson (Katherinemayakesson@hotmail.com)